If I wanted to get VPN running on my Pinephone I think I would have to go with openvpn or a wireguard solution.
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@curiousthinkerunderground True
You're more Linux savvy than me, any thoughts?
@curiousthinkerunderground Its better to be either one of those, thats all.
@tyler @dcc
Yes, but I've never set up a VPN on it before, I just making sure it's feasable before spending $$ on a service.
@curiousthinkerunderground @tyler If you need a vpn i can give you access to mine
@tyler @dcc
I see, I've been skimming the Pine64 forums during this time. So all would need then is a config file from the VPN provider once it's setup?
I mean. The entire point of running a pinephone is having a more generic linux environment,right?
@tyler @dcc
We already have the packages for PostmarketOS for both (I think wireguard is actually native in the kernel). I saw a guide for connecting it to NordVPN but I graf said to not trust them. I'm a little inexperienced in this department.
they all use same underlying tech - IPSEC or PPP or OpenVPN or whatver.
pinephone - can you run gcc on it?
@HonkHonkBoom @tyler @dcc
So once I enable it, how do I connect it to a service like torguard? seach engine results are running me around in circles.
@curiousthinkerunderground @tyler @HonkHonkBoom It depends on the service and how you have to connect to it
That's fine - my point was that the platform itself - if linux based (you could run a compiler on it) CAN support it - not that it would be easy
@tyler @dcc @curiousthinkerunderground Ahh, well, if ya got wireguard in the kernel already, and don't need specific features from an add in, and have very limited processing and battery power in something like a pinephone, wireguard might be the way to go
@tyler @curiousthinkerunderground @dcc Wireguard is actually outside those as far as i understand it, uses it's own tech that seems to be pretty robust and lightweight.. have had good luck, but it doesn't have the history of people trying to break it for decades, so could be holes that have not been found
@dcc @tyler @HonkHonkBoom
FINALLY I found the answer. Cool! I can just use wireguard then. Yeah I'm down, one of these nights I'll hope on matrix and we can discuss it more. I'm fine for now, Idaho has freedom of speech, but the future may change so I better learn how to do this stuff now.
@tyler @dcc @HonkHonkBoom
"As of pmOS 23.06, the default kernel is already built with Wireguard support. To use Wireguard tunnels, you only need to install the wireguard-tools-wg-quick package. There is no separate wireguard package in Alpine and pmOS. There are other Wireguard tools to be considered as well"
Any computer can be a server nigga
I ran all my shit on an already 8 year old laptop in 2014
@tyler @dcc
I know, but that would require me to get my internet turned on. I've been mobile only with the internet for about 9 months now so I can save a whooping $40 a month. I'm currenly looking for a second job so I could make that happen and other goals of mine.
practice on your own local server first
@tyler @dcc
I don't have a local server. I had a server at a friends house for a while but I sold it back to him because I wasn't using it.
@tyler @dcc
I don't know either, but I figured webdev is the best choice for a self taught person. I hear IT jobs and other things are hard to get right now. If trannies and pajeets can make a living writing shitty webcode remotely, then so could I.
I, even I, have begun learning javashit.
It's not "that" bad - but it is bad.
Idk if that's where the jobs are, but it would let you be able to do your own business thing.
I was trying to be very polite. Yes, you need to learn my beloved brother.
@tyler @dcc
Thanks man, I was contemplating getting back on the tech train since the chef life isn't cutting it in this ecomony with child support and high rent. Shit I might just start learning javashit, I heard it makes good money.
@tyler @dcc
Full disclosure, I'm a noob when it comes to IT stuff, I've only ever done basic ssh operations, sftp, and local unbound for DNS (I just followed an online guide).
Time to learn I guess nigga
@tyler @dcc
Tyler says, git gud skrub!