Most Whites are semi-redpilled. They know equality is a lie, whether because women or because niggers.
What they lack is moral certainty that harming other races to assure White survival is justifiable.
Because cutting niggers off from White resources will hurt them. In fact it will kill around a billion of them.
We underestimate just how many people the collapse of GAE could kill. Global population has gone from around 2.5 billion to 8 billion since around 1950. While there's been some nasty localized wars, the world as a whole has been relatively free of large-scale hot wars. The Ukraine meatgrinder could just be the beginning, as that's been a demographic catastrophe for an already aging and declining population, and a lot of similar wars could break out in a lot of places due to the power vacuum left behind, especially as places for refugees to go to largely disappear. Africa and the Middle East are obvious with how dependent so many of their governments are on Western foreign aid, but even the wealthier and more intelligent nations of Northeast Asia depend on food imports. American prosperity is absurd from a historical perspective, and it's lifted up the whole world, but the downside is that the whole world could fall in an ugly way without said support.