LUMINE :akko_cry:
>hes not playing as Lumine
You're not gonna make it
HUG HER :Miyu_Cry:
@LolikingSama >Catching up on archon quest line in Fontaine
>Its great :ai_like:
>Do a side quest
>NPC impact all over again.
>Bored after 5 minutes :awoo_sleep:
Why do they keep doing this
@LolikingSama I'm certainly resuming archon quest tomorrow.
I'd say i'll finish this quest at least but then i remembered the god awful aranara questline that literally made my quit genshin in disgust and won't make that mistake again.
@Tamamo thats why i only do archon quests these days, or character quests. otherwise genshin turns into a sleep aid with walls of text for no reason
@LolikingSama @Tamamo as memeworthy as that is we did get primos as the quest was going too
@Tamamo dude i remember that aranara quest was so GOD AWFULLY LONG for no reason. and then at the end of it:
>20 primos
@LolikingSama @Azur_Fenix For world building i guess. But genshin's (and honkai's) problem has always been is that all they do is tell and not show.
Couple that with the NPC's noone gives a fuck about instead of using the much more interesting playable characters and you have a recipe for boredom and a cure for insomnia.
@Azur_Fenix @Tamamo i feel like its more like the story is so spread out that it feels like that. Im sure im you do just the Archon quests/Main story you'll get a better view of the story.
@Tamamo @LolikingSama cuz the genshin devs are poor at proper story telling.
@LolikingSama I like how after testing your patience for hours, when you FINALLY reach the last stage they force you to "play" with them just to fucking rub it in.
What i really wanted to do was to use Yanfei to burn their goddamn village to ground.
@Kyonko802 @LolikingSama You deserve a free 5 star of choice after that goddamn ordeal IMO.