that took too long
my luck is awful :senko_sigh:
@Vidmastereon pretty fair in terms of guaranteeing stuff.
you have 2 types of banners to choose from.
one is 50-50 like Genshit's and other gives you the character guaranteed if you get an orange or hit the 100 pity but has lower rates. also every 165 pulls gives you a box with a random SSR to compensate for the 50-50 stuff and all pulls carry over to the next banner.
weapon banners are the same but the guaranteed is at 80 for the 100% and the box is at 125 pulls
@Meemoo how fair is snowbreaks gachashit?
@Vidmastereon according to what I heard
you should have barely enough to guarantee a character each patch and events give you a cope weapon for them.
their main money maker is selling coom skins
@Meemoo how much free premium currency does it give out