I'm done with ubisoft fucking up all my old games on linux. What the fuck is even the point of their shitty launcher? Not even EA fucks up this much. I can still go back and play Mass Effect on linux even when the EA launcher was fucking itself in the ass, but for some reason ubi can't manage?
I'm busting out all the pirated backups I have and replacing the official versions in my library. Man I'm glad I don't buy any of their shit anymore.
- :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: likes this.
I just wanted to play Driver San Fran what in the fuck. The day of the rake WILL come.
>Uplay is discontinued and you need Ubisoft Connect now
>It doesnt auto update on older games in a linux steam library, effectively bricking them
>you have to either manually set connect on every single game or just pirate them
I'll take just pirating
@freddie_the_fed Nothing now, but guess fucking what, if you wanna play Far Cry 3 or AC2 or Driver San Fran you have to deal with this shit. "fuck you suck our shitty launcher's dick"
@Kyonko802 what do they make that is worth pirating?
@Kyonko802 they beg to be pirated. they don't deserve the money anyways