In Build 1935 of STALKER SHoC, Controllers could sprint after you.
This was subsequently nerfed to a shamble in the final release of SHoC.
- :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: likes this.
Also this build displays some of the mutants that were cut from SHoC
Both the Chimera and Burer ended up being scrapped until they were released in Call of Pripyat, the unarmed zombie npc however got cut entirely and was never used for anything beside prop decoration in Rostok.
The CNPP also spawns a fuck ton of these NPCs for no reason.
@Ronnie21093 Its one of these areas in the CNPP map.
You don't get to explore it much in the final release because of the emission and in Clear Sky that segment of the CNPP isn't accessible due to the CNPP only using the northern half.
@SamBox9029 I feel like I recognize that place in the second picture