>be me
>see nobody in 3~4 weeks
>get invited for bbq
>have a good time
>chat with grill and, at least to my pov, we have a good time together
>exchange phone numbers and ask if we can also exchange emails as it's a pain for me to sms on my brick phone.
>it's late and we have to go so I tell her I'll send my email via sms and she'll just have to hail me back via it
>send it the next day
>no response
>wait a week
>no response
>sent her a message 8 hours ago
>no response
@mangeurdenuage @a7 >can't t9 type
:aniwhat: bruh, if I wanted privacy I'd ask her if she had a pgp key, I'm using an old ass nokia brick phone and typing sms on it takes fore ever, while your standard keyboard doesn't have that issue.
I'll add that paranoia would be correct in a context where the current govs didn't put in place the worldwide surveillance and droning we have today.
But go explain that to normies with proprietary brain damage. Strangely they'll believe in all of the garbage on there but not on the reality that govs are using the collected data via spying or datamined from proprietary social media to make their lives miserable.
@mangeurdenuage lol get wrekt paranoia fag