>Two wrongs don't make a right and they never will.
Power, and use thereof, is prima facie morally neutral. What makes it "right" or "wrong" is who does what to who.
> if we could pick a topic that is actually winnable like free speech we can make a lot of progress.
Did you just live under a rock from like 2014-2018 or something
>It is unlikely to be corrected
You even recognize it's a losing proposition, lol.
>I also understand that CENSORSHIP not free speech brought us open faggotry.
I am BEGGING you to read what the supreme court of the unitwd states has said about the first amendment.
>The same group that has subverted our country brought those things to us same as they did Germany
And how did the Germans respond? Spirited and principled discussion on the merits of a free and open society? (This is why I call you a stupid nigger, by the way, in case you're curious)
>It's Like owning the libs by arresting hunter for a gun crime rather than pedophilia or treason. All they did was make it easier to get arrested for a gun crime. Hey it's fair right libs get nailed for it as well. Same shit
This is where you need to be able to make a distinction between "is" and "ought". It would be preferable that he gets a charge for treason or pedophilia. Sadly, that is not something that is on the table because we live in hell-world. The powers that be *hate* you, and have made their anti-you bias fairly explicit by this point- it's retarded to act like you are only exposed to the vulnerability of getting fucked over *just because* they nailed hunter biden on it.