The pants-shitting rage against the Left Behind game is telling because what conclusion can you gather except one specific religion can't use the ART MEDIUM of games to tell a story from its religious pov without being accused of hate and intolerance. Nearly every religion makes mutually incompatible claims that are presented as truth, that is kind of their thing.
- matrix07012 :thotpatrol: :cunnyEmpire: likes this.
This would have been the perfect time to pull out "the game isn't FOR YOU" and throw it in their faces.
@sun >pants-shitting rage
That's not how I remember it. It was more like a dismissive eye roll. Smug cringe atheism wasn't nearly so played out yet. This was the very early 2000s, possibly even pre 9/11
@sun @YTFoidLover1488 "noooo only us can make shitty propaganda games"
@YTFoidLover1488 they were mad enough to uniformly lie about it so i think it got to them