@NotAWeeb @heavens_feel @icst literally this
@NotAWeeb @heavens_feel @icst Speaking of underground, the PC-98 (and X68000, FM Towns, PC-88, X1, FM77, etc.) libraries are truly niche outside Japan. The language barrier, limited amount of translations (nearly all are on the 98), and the fact that something like Rance is too radioactive for Redditors keep the libraries of pre-Windows Japanese gaming in the realm of "cult" outside Japan.
Yet people like the aesthetic to the point of wanting to make indie games mimicking PC-98 games now.
@NotAWeeb @heavens_feel @icst to add to that the anime scene has changed a ton from ages ago.
Aside from entryism, you can now easily find some pirated series uploaded on YT of all places, and I'm not sure how many people back in the day cared about Japanese computer games. Those were even more niche than today but 10+ years ago some guy in the gaming room at a con would bring a NTSC-J PS2 with bemani games.
@PurpCat @icst @NotAWeeb
> people like the aesthetic to the
> point of wanting to make indie games
> mimicking PC-98 games now.
That's understandable - some of the art in those old games looked fantastic.