@feld Nothing but the best flesh vessel for my sweet butter
@feld @coolboymew I use a lot of it too. :froth: this is an anti seed oil household
@feld @coolboymew I don't have a reason to have butter in the fridge or out because I don't use it for anything other than cooking
@creamqueen @coolboymew btw if you only use it for cooking, buy unsalted butter. It works better. You'll have to compensate with a little salt in your recipes, but salted butter retains water which is not what you want when you're cooking/baking/frying.
@creamqueen @coolboymew I almost always have butter sitting out. I used to have a butter crock but I lost it when I moved
@coolboymew @feld I leave my butter in the freezer and just cut off a chunk when I'm ready to use it
@creamqueen @coolboymew dairy fats are punk as fuck