>Me not paying attention to today's hellthread because I don't pay attention to either Gaboomers or Mugicha's Cocksucker Clique
@SuperSnekFriend @TrueMasterCole The most fun hellthreads is when someone loses their mind and continues to argue with the shitposters.
@RatPoster @TrueMasterCole I have only so many hours in the day to do something like.
@SuperSnekFriend I don't understand the appeal of hell threads. It's a waste of time.
@TrueMasterCole Some hellthreads can be fun if the person is not stupid and argue eloquently without devolving into banal epithets, and some hellthreads need to happen to know who is truly your online neighbor or friend, who is not those and should be kept at a distance, and who is an active enemy and should be avoided as possible.