And retards ask me why i want the US to get the dresden treatment.
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@TrevorGoodchild @Aly @Shlomo never would‘ve believed you if you told me ten years ago that I’d be agreeing with the sentiment of pic below
@TrevorGoodchild @Shlomo Are there any such cases where the sexual deviant had a record prior to enlisting but was still accepted?
@Aly @Shlomo Dunno, but a lot of these crimes are committed by nigger ZOGbots, who are quite rapey at all times
@Shlomo I knew about several incidents before this one but was not prepared for how long this shit has been going on for
@DW2 @TrevorGoodchild @Aly veterans vs anti zog protesters?
@Shlomo @TrevorGoodchild @Aly it’s a publicity stunt years ago by the Westboro Bapist Church, which I think turned out to be some sort of scam or gayop. Still a memeable pic though
@DW2 @Aly @Shlomo Saddest thing: this only hits US news when it's so goddamn egregious that it can't be covered up.
There was an incident in 1995 where 3 nigger airmen kidnapped and gang raped a 12-year old Okinawan girl
One of said niggers (after doing a ridiculously low amount of time) would then go on to rape and murder a college student in Georgia before killing himself
I have nothing further to say that is legal
@TrevorGoodchild @Aly @Shlomo sometimes a pic is all you need