In some madness induced stupor of nostalgia mixed with masochism I am going to be 100%ing every single KH game. Do not try this at home.
@Minty fuck everyone who says chain of memories sucks they just sucked shit at using the deck system
@Kyonko802 already did as a kid. Kh games are fun. 2 was one of my favorites. But I also liked chain of memories so that goes to show my taste. :zt_sip:
@supersid333 @Minty The combat is tighter on the GBA, but Re definitely isn't BAD per say
@Kyonko802 @Minty My hot take opinion is that I think Chain of Memory is more fun then Re:Chain of Memory. I feel like it just feels better in 2D.
@supersid333 @Kyonko802 @Minty Not a hot take at all, the 3rd dimension actively hurts CoM. Mainline KH games have some of the most precise hitboxes in gaming and they didn't bother accounting for that when making Re:CoM. It works 10x better on a 2D plane.
@Xeraser @supersid333 @Minty sora and rikus attacks are also faster on the gba. The game is balanced for tgat