segre is also unsure what exactly is going to happen.
@Orkin_Awk @sickburnbro Honestly they've always behaved like they were going to have to fight the entirety of NATO at some point and are reserving forces accordingly. Very cautious, even now that they have troops and materiel to spare.
@sickburnbro Remember that many (including me) were confident that Russia would curb-stomp the Ukraine in 2022 as badly as the Donbass militias did in 2015 (Debaltsevo), and as effortlessly as they annexed Crimea
@TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro the slow pace of this military operation seems very weird to me. In the first 18 months, I was saying that Putin just didn't want to over commit his forces. But there must be something that hasn't been revealed yet, I don't know
@TrevorGoodchild yeah, I also made that mistake. I haven't forgotten, and what I attribute the mistake to was misjudging how critical ZOG decided to treat it.
We know now they were willing to surrender sooner, but that was taken off the table, the "by who" keeps changing but it goes to show that subtle misjudgements can have huge effects in war.
@sickburnbro Lots of bad judgment all around, particularly on the Russian side in the opening salvos. No plan survives contact something something.