@KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild @EssentialUtinsil @eee @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Cocoa @zero I quit donating blood when I realized how much money they make off my donations. A close family friend had a bad accident and needed a lot of blood. I asked if I donated in his name if it would help offset his medical expenses. Nope, but I could still donate in his name. What's the point of that?
When I learned that they cannot harvest viable organs from a dead person, but only one who is still alive I looked into it further and learned about how someone declared "brain dead" is given a paralytic to keep them from moving as they are carved up while being kept alive because nurses were getting freaked out assisting in organ donations. The body responds to being cut up while still able to breathe. After doing a deep dive in what is involved in organ harvesting, the chances of me or one of my loved ones ever being a donor is zero, zilch, and nil.