Tumblr wasn't anon, but a lot of the reason why people there felt comfortable powerleveling hard was that they were doing it under a username, which was in contrast to the firstname lastname model of Facebook and some other older communities like mailing lists and usenet.
@PurpCat@GD5426@RustyCrab@rher@Hoss The only reason why I don't feel like pseudonymous discussions won't completely go away, despite calls for it is because I'm pretty sure even normie parents don't like the idea of their children public discussing things under their real names.
@xianc78@GD5426@RustyCrab@rher@Hoss Even some system enjoyers are all for it, mostly with the trans issue coming to mind. Lately real name policies are falling out of favor and that's a good thing.
@PurpCat@GD5426@RustyCrab@rher@Hoss I never understood why IBM prohibits people working on hobby projects. I don't see why it's a problem unless the project in question is in direct competition (e.g you contribute to ReactOS while working for Microsoft).