When you play as the Black Samurai character in the new AC game a hip hop remix of traditional Japanese music plays, no I am not making this up.
@WoodshopHandman Blacksploitation was funny because it was over the top and self aware, these new versions are just sad since it's some middle aged childless WASP treating non-Whites like the children she doesn't have.
@Shadowman311 They're trying to make the next Samurai Champloo and Afro Samurai without understanding what made those two as cool as they were
@D-Droid @Shadowman311 Jm pretty sure also ubisoft is a jew zao chinese company. Dont rmember though. So someone enlighten me.
@demonofustio @Shadowman311 Every single America/Western European video game studio is jew owned, Blackrock owns the majority of the stock.
jews are really mad they can’t control Japanese games right now since most of them aren’t going through with anti White shit
@Shadowman311 I am just crazy or is the amount of violence in this assassins creed way over the top as well? I don’t remember any other games having things like bashing some dudes head in and crushing it levels of gore. Really seems like the ubikikes are taking out their hatred of Japanese in this game. You could edit in footage of niggers pushing asians into subway lines and it fits with how violent they made niggertaro in this game