I wonder how the Popes before Vatican II would react to this.
@MK2boogaloo churches uniting in real time. It is nuts. I used to think that would be impossible.
@hazlin this is bad actually.
Sir, we are so far down the bad road, that this isn't even a pothole's worth of bad xD
I'm more interested on if Francis will be able to maintain a position of power, after the religions combine.
Perhaps he already has reassurance on this matter.
@hazlin true, it's just a good choice to sit back and see how it's going to go. I guess another point to my trad cath friend because he's right again....
@MK2boogaloo More or less. So much has happened these last few years, that I am a little numb to it all xD
On one hand, it is kind of amazing watching the world transform in these historic ways. On the other hand, everything is almost entirely a bad transformation xD So, you can't allow yourself to look at it all the time, or it just drags you down.
And, what brings me comfort, mainly Jesus' soon return, seems to be comforting to very few.
I resolve not to worry about these things, or spend my time on them... almost daily, but, don't seem to be very good at sticking to that xD
@hazlin I think the best way to approach this is to just be a peasant in piety. Just take the Bible, whatever traditions you believe in the first place, and do your duty as God's disciple. Something happening amongst the priesthood? Don't care unless you're able to take action directly.
@MK2boogaloo So true. The strangest part about walking without an organization or group. Was learning that Jesus, didn't mind, just teaching me Himself.
That Jesus is lowly in heart, and doesn't mind dealing directly with the little people, feels like a massive secret. Though, there are verses saying as much.