Some nobody on Twitter coined the word 'cuckservative' and rendered 50 years of CIA social engineering moot from that day forward.
No internet and we'd be coming to the end of Jeb or Hillary's second term and SCOTUS would be fully converged to eradicate the 1st and 2nd Amendments at speed.
- Kenny Blankenship likes this.
@judgedread @InvictusManeo The first time I ever heard the term was on a forum now lost to the mists of time, name rhymes with 'NPC'
Ironically, the coiner is now deceased and can't take credit. He died with a lot of unspent Bitcoin, BTW
Shine on, you crazy diamond
@judgedread Wasn't "cuckservative" the polite conversion of "koshervative" used on early days stormfront?
@InvictusManeo When it surfaced it was traced to a Twitter post. I suppose someone could search Stormfront to see if there's prior art.
Either way, once it caught on it destroyed the National Review nigger and kike loving right.