@hermit @marine @skylar yea. but i cant view existemce as negative or bad in qny way i get so much joy
@hermit @marine @skylar my love is so mich stronger and meaningful to me because of how ive been fucked prior
'vale of soul-making' is one of the theodicies, the idea that for true good to occur, there needs to be bad shit
@errante @marine @skylar I agree. It feels superficially hard to ratify when you look at the lives a lot of people lead though. Illiterate, oppressed Mongolian coal miners slaving away in Chinese mines, scavenging in garbage dumps on their off hours. Children born into dysfunctional African societies with massive infant mortality, bellies full of parasites, willing to literally eat shit for a full belly and dying before they even reach puberty. Stuff like that.
I got into an extende discussion about this while in an "altered state" (lol) recently. Both of us came to the cognition that incarnation was in some sense *voluntary,* that lives had been chosen somehow. The person I was speaking to believed this was true in a more immediate sense (i.e. even someone whose life is garbage had "wished for it" while in another state of being where it was, for whatever reason, desirable,) whereas I believed that it was true in a way that doesn't really directly reflect the Kali Yuga. Both by history and be the cognition of how Yugas even work, there are, for example, way more people now than there were before. So how? The immediate answer a lot of people reach is that a lot of them are hylics, but I don't buy it. I think it's probably something more like "it's the same souls, but fractured down." A voluntary state of incarnation would therefore make more sense in a prior state of being. But trying to "know that from here" is impossible.
Regardless, yes, I think the negative side of existence is necessary. A story in which all everyone did was sit around in a state of abject unchallenged bliss wouldn't be a story at all. Physicality exists to invoke transience. Stories can take place here in a way that they can't in a world of simple and static archetypal pillars ("the world of forms" perhaps.) Considering how desperate spirits apparently are to interact with physicality, we're apparently not the only beings that consider incarnation desirable.
@errante @marine @hermit @skylar This is something I can relate to heavily for better or worse.