What this wretched society is doing to women is genuinely one of the most evil things I can think of, the people who caused this know this is happening, this is our society working as intended. Our occupiers are ontologically evil and no action against them and the abomination machine they have trapped us in is wrong.
@Shadowman311 @Wormwood I keep poasting this, but it bears repeating that millennial women are heading straight for a cliff
@DW2 @Shadowman311 @Wormwood Lmao at that cope blip. Zoomer whores are going into a free fire zone for 30 something year old men and millennias will start commiting mass sudoku
@Boomerman @DW2 @Shadowman311 @Wormwood Its pretty clear if a women isn't married by 30 they're never getting married why they would project anything else is pure cope.
@Quentel @DW2 @Shadowman311 @Wormwood Theres a couple i went to highschool with i wonder about. Theres are a seeming endless amount of simps but that never lasts
The discontinuity in the 1990 data projecting an abrupt increase around age 28 is laughable.
It's not going to be long before the female suicide rate begins ramping up.
@Quentel @Boomerman @Shadowman311 @Wormwood Yeah that bump is waaay to optimistic
@DW2 @Quentel @Shadowman311 @Wormwood Th-they totally hit married at least once
Oh how many will be divorced and childless.
S-shut up chuds