@TimeSpent @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3
You people obviously don’t know what testosterone is
We're girls.
@lord_nougat @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @wilbur @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Eiswald @Frank_O_Pinon @TimeSpent @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3
I think @dcc is throttling me because I’m maintaining my drunk from last night.
@wilbur @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Eiswald @Frank_O_Pinon @TimeSpent @Twoinchdestroya HE WROTE THE PERFECT COUNTRY AND WESTERN SONG, BRUV!
(types in boomer)
@UnCL3 @wilbur @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Eiswald @Frank_O_Pinon @TimeSpent @Twoinchdestroya Oh yeah, speaking of country, some dork posted a Clint Black song earlier somewhere and it made me remember that's just a stage name.
His real name is Clinton Igger.
@PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Eiswald @Frank_O_Pinon @TimeSpent @Twoinchdestroya That's why the DAC is sooo special. He's really the ONLY TRVE country western singer
Very good song writer too. Wrote "Take this job and Shove it".
@TimeSpent @PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 I already hate the acoustic guitar as an instrument. I can't fucking stand country music and a lot of the most popular boomer rock.
Bluegrass is superior anyway.
t. Country boy
That's not even close to the best coutry and westen song. You didn't mention the niggers, or how they smell, the looting and the raping. Without that, is it country and western atall?
Maybe could be I'd be better at this if I wasn't typing to the the beat of a man who hung himself with a guitar string.
Edit to beat instead of lyrics. I never know what people actually say.
@PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 They are listening to country music here so I threw in a headset so I don't go nutty with moaning redneck love songs.
You are determined to be depressed today aren't you? You aren't dead yet. Go ahead, I can't stop you.
@PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 I don't find that depressing. More of a relief. Love you, Potatofren. :BlobCatHeart:
@PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 Some ppl are meant to be far away from ppl.
As a unit, I agree, but That's not true. Even Uncle Ted had someone. He just didn't find her in time.
@PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 Then, to finding someone in the afterlife. :cheers:
Find someone, Precious. Those plans will change.
@PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 I take to many risks to see old age.
Funny thing about probabilities even when they stack, they don't always pay off. You should plan instead.
@PodunkPotato @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 I have plans. In some ways, plans to make no plans.
@Frank_O_Pinon @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 I do oddly close to that. I shall not be remembered though. My goal is to disappear into a grave.
Nigger, why would you think like this? Fill graves with yours or theirs. Preferably yours after a healthy life. And I'm listening to Joy Division, rn. What's your excuse?
@Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 I'm going on an unhealthy bender this weekend. If you can keep your mouth shut about who I am, I will make a thread and we can call each other niggers and jews.
@TimeSpent @Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 Why not take up drunk oil painting? You could be whoever the female version of Rembrandt was.
@Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 Yes, can you keep secrets?
@TimeSpent @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3
Of course I can keep a secret, I’m an army officer with a security clearance. I know stuff that would blow your mind.
@Jonny @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3 Can you keep secrets Jonny?
@TimeSpent @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3
Do you know how too write in cursive?
@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @TimeSpent @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3
Now go too high school and learn trigonometry
@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @PodunkPotato @Dan_Ramos @FortyTwo @halfpint @Frank_O_Pinon @TimeSpent @Twoinchdestroya @UnCL3
Imagine a nuclear reaction going off in your imaginary cock and balls 24 hours a day
I'd rather not. That sounds horrible.