So I listened to this and basically the kid used the IR to replay power commands for digital whiteboards.
I did the exact same thing in high school in 1993 with...a programmable TV remote. It is fascinating to think that I could have made news for a silly prank.
@sun Wait until they hear about Xiaomi phones with IR transmitter.
@mint High end HP scientific calculators had IR remote on them too when I was in school.
@sun I remember before those phones became widespread, people used to access service menus on TVs by soldering a transmitter to a headphone jack and playing back the WAV recording of needed command.
What the actual fuck did he do tho? Open a fucking garage door?!
@0 two claims:
he "traumatized" a teacher by turning on and off devices when she tried to use them
an administrator's cell phone was "permanently damaged", I don't believe this for a second.
I just found out the kid was CHARGED WITH A CLASS B MISDEMEANOR
I hope he brings a gun to school next time.