@mactonite kill recruiters, behead recruiters, slam dunk a recruiter baby into the trash can, crucify filthy recruiters, curb stomp pregnant recruiters, urinate into a recruiter's gas tank
I hope someone didn't just let these recruiter groomers get away with this attempt.
- :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: likes this.
theory: the system is designed so that young men can't start a family or own property, have no meaning in life for the explicit purpose that the satanic military can recruit them. suicidal cannon fodder to fight for the financial elite. anyone with roots and things to lose would reject such a proposition. recruiter groomers always use lines like "hey haha life sucks doesn't it since you are bankrupt and unemployed how about you join us to rape and behead babies and we'll relieve your debt after". if the man is married then the wife can cheat on him, steal his assets, stop him from seeing his kids after he returns. he is left homeless and recieving some store discounts doesn't address the issue.