@Moon@lebronjames75@p11 yeah its all YOUR standards and not what THEIRS are to you. its a best case scenario where 100% of women would be interested in you. many men would argue the other way is the bottleneck but these sites paint a different picture
@why@lebronjames75@p11 I just tested my actual preferences and not what I'd accept and it was below 10%, still not terrible odds by their reckoning but lets be serious the odds i'm going to find a non-overweight 26 year old to creampie is closer to 0%.
@p11@lebronjames75 you should check out https://realitycalc.com/ >not married >not fat >able to reproduce the site doesnt let you do underage (you freak). i put upper limit at 29, you can reproduce in her 30s but probability of tism and other problems are gonna go way up 24.74%. thats not terrible, but >exclude mothers? you have low standards, right? you should still be able to reproduce and give those kids some step-siblings. except >any income you sure? that's a lot of mouths to feed >any race i assume you have no problem with this too. no way to filter if theyre 1st generation or nationals. might need to teach juanita some ingles
also no way to filter your first (and probably biggest) standard: >interested in me and what i do im not gonna judge but im gonna guess that requires at least a matching IQ for her to have genuine interest and speak at your level. you can do IQ calculations yourself, im afraid it might cut off a severe amount of available girls for the government to give you
@lebronjames75 To some degree it wouldn't be bad to just get a decent girl and stay with her. I'm happy with any girlfriend who is interested in me and what I do, and who's not too fat and able to reproduce (especially not a man, who identifies as a woman, underage would be fine too, she will get older).
I don't think, a government or algorithm would be good to find a suitable girlfriend. The most important factor is probably, that we live close to each other.
@lanodan@Moon@lebronjames75@why Nowadays many women identify as bi. Or they become lesbian after a bad experience with a guy until they meet the right guy.
OK, after watching this video, I have to add a new requirement to the list:
・Drawing must look good, which immediately disgards literally every single character in that video.
@Moon@lebronjames75@why I was already pretty close to dating a young, smart girl. At least we were meeting regularly. She was a good friend of my younger brother and lived in the same village. I guess the main reason why we stopped meeting was me not having WhatsApp, nor a device that could even run WhatsApp.
@p11@lebronjames75@why every time i have installed a proprietary messaging or social media app to try to get sex or companionship it backfired and i regretted installing that shit on my phone. Love is transient but adherence to the principles of software freedom is eternal.