i dunned broke the law "thou shalt not look at recon photos showing jewish body disposal in poland"
@Wyatt @matty @ImperialAgent in irish mythology there is a creature known as a changeling , this is essentially what a jew is in practice
@matty @ImperialAgent 1. Jewish embellishment and narcissism is genetic
2. yes which is why holocaust denial is easily spread. Its much easier to deny goofy stories of rape eagles than the hard facts.
3. Its much more expensive , both materially , and psychologically for hitler to kill jews the way it was done early on via kill squads. Its much less expensive to put them on a train and gas them on arrival.
@Wyatt @matty @ImperialAgent Jews are not white, they're not european, they're not from europe, they're not caucasian, being white is more than just having pale skin, jews also have pale skin from staying indoors and avoiding the sun. A jew is a monster that has killed and/or genocided its neighbors, Canaanite neighbors, Phoenicians, etc, but not only have jews done that but after doing that they have subsumed these people taking only a little amount of their dna, but taking a significant amount of their history and culture to add to their own. Jews have straight up infiltrated the saudi arabian royal family, slowly fucking becoming them, it is not much of an exaggeration to say that jews are a veritable cosmic horror, they are the enemy of humanity.
@matty @ImperialAgent absolutely. And they do. Much of "holohoax" culture is easily provable fables like masturbation machines and giant eagles and shit moths. In fact just today i was looking through youtube shorts and stumbled upon a video claiming a auchwitz guard was running around masturbating on jews faces and raping prisoners. I did some research and she was put to death because she did some beatings and shot 2 people. absolutely nothing about the weird sex stuff.
Okay so you can understand and at least put together that the whole thing about the bears and the eagles and the holocoaster and electric floors is all bullshit. But, if these are the documented experiences of those who were there during that time, wouldn't that at least raise questions as to what really transpired there? I mean the holocaust, if it happened, would be horrible enough without the embellished execution methods. Why add to it if the camps were really that bad?
Furthermore why the hell would Hitler just decide to cart a bunch of jews over to these death camps to kill them with a delousing agent when he could have just ordered his military to just blast them? It doesn't seem very efficient, in my opinion.
If you believe that the powers that be lie to us about many things, do you think it would be unreasonable to believe that they'd like to us about the holocaust as well in order to subjugate well meaning people?
@matty @ImperialAgent its undeniable but thats irrelevant to historical events and whether they happened.
Yes the holocaust is used as an effective tool of control however it doesnt mean it didnt happen and in addition trying to wretch political control away from it by DENYING it happened just makes you look dumb.
@matty @ImperialAgent Kinda hard to deny it once you get a good look at it.
You are familiar with jewish control of western government, right?
You believe that the holocaust happened?
@Boomerman @johnbudd1350 @Eiregoat @Wyatt @ImperialAgent @Quentel @matty That's a lot of fucking wash and paint and manhours required. I suppose we could read all about the german inventiveness in streamlining this process somewhere? Maybe a manifest for the shipping of boatloads of paint into the camps?
@Giga_Vril_Breaker @johnbudd1350 @Eiregoat @Wyatt @ImperialAgent @Quentel @matty They cant even tell you what they washed the walls with. Itd take a full day to empty all these bodies, wash the "shit and blood from walls as people clawed at them" and then paint a bigass room. Wyatt has never lifted anything over 40lbs so he doesnt understand this is impossible with a fucking slave force starving on the eastern front. The amount of labor is impossible with the alleged workforce there.
@Boomerman @johnbudd1350 @Eiregoat @Wyatt @ImperialAgent @Quentel @matty I've recently painted my apartment with 3 extra bodies and it still took 10 hours total. I'm not sure if my flat is gas chamber sized, probably somewhat smaller, but this nigger wants to tell me they'd repaint it between every "gassing".
Keep in mind, also, that paint that doesn't need to dry and its fumes don't need to be aired for another 2 hours is a relatively recent invention.
@Quentel @ImperialAgent @matty physical , archeological , photographic , and witness testimony all line up.
> Physical
The soviets admitted the gas chambers are "reconstructions" built in the 50s. There is no physical evidence otherwise
> Archeological
Like what? Searches for jewish mass graves typically come up blank. The few that do find bodies (like at Katyn) often turn out to be the work of the commies.
> Photographic
1. Former german inmates from the rhineland internment camps report having been dressed up in concentration camp uniforms and photographed. A lot of those "poor starving jews" are german servicemen.
2. Pictures of typhoid victims does not prove deliberate extermination.
> Witness testimony
The witness testimony of the camps is a fucking circus. A lot of them claim the camps were exactly what the germans said they were: Concentration camps for enemy aliens awaiting deportation. Some germans said they were extermination camps, but only after months of torture. Some other inmates said they were extermination camps but their stories are so wild, impossible, contradictory and at odds with physical evidence that there's no reason to take them seriously.
@Eiregoat @Wyatt @ImperialAgent @Quentel @matty > Physical
Wyatt, do you have a bit prepared for Prussian Blue or nah?
@johnbudd1350 @Eiregoat @Wyatt @ImperialAgent @Quentel @matty He said the jews washed and painted the walls after gassing. Doesnt explain how the cyanide wouldnt react with the walls but it dint matter he pics of bodies that arent in an oven
What are these 'hard facts' you speak of?
@Giga_Vril_Breaker @Boomerman @johnbudd1350 @Eiregoat @ImperialAgent @Quentel @matty good thing that the total sonderkommando workforce was like 1000 and each krematoria had over 100 workers on 3 shifts