it occured to me that if the web is full of junk (like ai-generated seo content etc), are there search engines where you can create and share with others your own (potentially big) sets of domains to include in the search?
@bigfishrunning well this would be a thing for people who mostly know/are interested in what they're doing, and if a site turned bad it would be removed from a set
@mntmn that's not a terrible idea, but the cynic in me thinks that it would be infiltrated and taken over by the same SEO farms that ruined Google (unless there could be some kind of web-of-trust component built in, but that would require a bit of user education)
@mntmn Perhaps this project can fulfill this need: #Stract is an #opensource search engine where the user has the ability to see exactly what is going on and customize almost everything about their search results. It's a search engine made for hackers and tinkerers just like ourselves...