I'm reluctant to check out Netflix's Third Body Problem adaptation. I can't get over the fact white westerners just HAVE to shove white women and blacks into everything. They literally can't just have a show without doing that. Every show much feature a white woman plus black man.
>I know this takes place in China during the cultural revolution but can't we just make some of the radar station guards black?
This is what white people actually say to each other.
>Yeah I know Three-Body Problem is literally the best selling Chinese sci-fi book of all time but couldn't we just make the main character black?
They actually fucking did it. They literally deleted the main character from the book and replaced him with a black guy. They replaced the second main character (at least during the first book) with a composite, like every other character. They couldn't handle casting 90% Asians for the first season. It was impossible for them.
@berkberkman I watched the first few episodes and I'm 99% they replaced the crotchety old man in the basement with a crotchety old woman so I noped the fuck out.
The book already has a TON of female characters, the main character is female. Why did they have to genderswap that guy? All adaptations are terrible, big shocker. I have absolutely zero interest in any video game TV adaptations as well.
Anyways, I liked the Silo books.
@crunklord420 Is the same applied to Apple TV's Silo?
@berkberkman there's a (black) guy on YouTube who has built his channel out of making "explainers" for the Three Body Problem. His rationalization of the race swaps, gender swaps, character composites were so lame. Just a big giant shrug and reminded everyone that the individual characters of Three Body Problem don't actually matter because it's not a character-driven book (true). Well if that's true why are they trying to turn it into a character-centric story?
Just a total betrayal of the source material. I can't get over it, it's not a gender swap. It's an entire socio-political swap. A country swap. The foreignness of the book is something that should be celebrated, not "fixed". They totally swapped out characters for people totally unrelated. But the YouTuber is like "well they hit the beats right", fuck that.
@crunklord420 Now I wonder who got race-swapped...
As for the Wool trilogy, I heard a lot of praise about it, and I guess that too many fans of that book were alright with the adaptation. I'll read it eventually.
@Natanahel @berkberkman yeah
@crunklord420 @berkberkman who? quinn's ideas? he might be the only black guy that reads books in the entire website