I see,well you know VS Code steal to your code for Microshit then if you write your code in the VS Code therefore Microshit can copy your code lines...
So if possible I wanna use Vim but Vim setting is too much trouble for me.
we can't get the privacy..it's not easy tho.
@noah im using a community build of VSCode that disables its telemetry system to Microsoft. Had issues with Microsoft's C# dev kit because of vendor lock-in so I looked for its alternate, FOSS extension.
@MoeBritannica@noah I use kate and it's pretty /comfy/. It has LSP support and a vim mode. Though, of course, like codium with the vim mode extension, it has its quirks. At least kate respects my remapped esc/capslock keys unlike codium.
I see,well you know VS Code steal to your code for Microshit then if you write your code in the VS Code therefore Microshit can copy your code lines...
@mikuphile@noah kinda actually miss typing in a vim way. Neovim is great to customize and configure alongside its LSP support. Stopped using it because I often dabble in different languages and its hard to scale my config without looking like a bloated mess. VSCode's Profile feature kinda spoiled me since I can only activate few extensions/LSP servers in my specific use case :vajra_comfy:
@noah@MoeBritannica may I suggest https://kakoune.org/ it's a very well thought-out modal text editor (so like vim), which I do think is a superior mode of text editing, but the main selling point to me has been that it's useful out of the box. just like vim, it comes with bajilion syntax plugins but is still merely a text editor (not ide). however, it has a helpful UI full of fuzzy completions and hints and doesn't make you learn a command language by design. the only thing to watch out for is the terrible default colorscheme. I guess the built-in docs are also somewhat hard to use since I tend to ripgrep through /usr/share/kak/doc instead