@n3f_X @jb @JoshuaSlocum Investment companies (like Blackrock) are investing millions in Bitcoin and other crypto. So, hypothetically, say you work for BR. They take your retirement money. Tell you that when you retire that money will be there. But then they invest that money into more crypto. Crypto goes up Blackrock or Vanguard makes more and more money.BR makes more than double in profit.
After everything is done then the retiree gets paid out in worthless fiat + 40 years of inflation.
Just invest in crypto and leave it there for 50 years. You wont see the kind of returns they do. And there is more risk. But you wont be helping them make any more money.
- Kenny Blankenship likes this.
they suck people in with matching contributions ... if anything people should setup their own trusts or IRA's with a third party ( if thats the route u want to go ) i personally wouldnt do it now bc ike u said its not gonna be there ... no future is certain now except for collapse and war
@jb It's hard to shake the propaganda.
"We send billions to Israel!"
>they're our strongest ally against the mudslimes!
"But we could use that money here!"
>oh, to give to those worthless millenials who got lesbian dance degrees, no thanks
"Israel attacked the USS Liberty!"
>the what? never heard of it, ben shapiro would have talked about it, you sound like a libtard
"Because of all the money we've spent on wars for Israel, we have massive debt that we can't repay, it's going to eventually crash the dollar and the government will have to tap into Social Security and your 401k and your IRAs to pay for all of it!"
>huh? you sound like a ron paul bircher nutjob
"The jews killed Jesus!"
>they are the chosen people of god, we're going to build a new temple in jerusalem, my pastor told me all about it, he drives a cadillac and the praise music is so good, you're possessed by demons
@JoshuaSlocum @jb Social Security is a giant slush fund for politicians. 401ks are slush funds for banks. Pensions are slush funds for big companies. You're trusting that corporations who don't want to pay you anything for your work are going to be honest enough to eventually pay you a retirement.
Maybe it worked for the boomers but boomers got off easy. What happens when every account is turned into something digital they can just turn off when you don't bow down and worship the jew hard enough?
:talkingmerchant: -"Sorry goy. We wont be able to get your investment back"
Big-brained idea
If we could only convince the boomers that the jews were gonna take away their social security