burn subscriptions
These are the people whose notices burn listens to.
fuggy fuggy
intelligence of a rock, creativity of a pebble. It's Fuggy! I enjoy anime, shit posting and messing with computer things.I am learning Japanese(somewhat but need to look up words) and Russian(garbage) and speak English natively ---どうも、 fuggy( ファギーさん)です。アメリカで住んでいる。自分で日本語とロシア語を勉強します、いつかペラペラになりたい。アニメやゲームやパソコンが大好きですわからない言葉が多い。大馬鹿外人チー牛です、ご容赦くださいww :P
ryo 寮 Japan http://ryocafe.i2p
The nazi lolicon who keeps getting cancelled by non-binary Masto-fascists.
coolboymew cool_boy_mew
Video games and anime obsessedMostly post memes and about anime. Sometimes about video gamesGo check SPC's @noyoushutthefuckupdad and I's anime podcastHead of Meltic StAr Subs (French to English subs translation for when there's just no other choices)English/French
WashedOutGundamPilot Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
"How'd I get here? Ah, it's a long story. I graduated from UMSOT (Undergrad MS Operator training) and test pilot school in '77, back when it was on side 6. Oh, yeah, back then it was something different, we didn't have mobile suits back then, it was MWOTC... anyways, when the war started, I was a ball pilot for a few weeks, flew three sorties and scored a lucky kill on a Zaku I, and 'cause I was the only one with a kill under my belt, I got chosen to fly with some secret squirrel things on the White Base (back then they just called it the Pegasus). Turns out in order to work on that top secret, feddie zaku ripoff, we couldn't be active EFSF personnel. We got discharged from the service so we could fly for some private shell company. Yeah, we lost MIL benefits, but the pay was so good we figured we'd go for it. We had three weeks to study the manuals and get trained on the simulators while we flew out to our assignment. They put me on the RX-78(a3/4) ,
ChristiJunior Christi Junior
Your Occasionally Friendly Neighborhood White Nationalist. Actually hiding my Power Level. Nintendo and anime fan. Deus vult Atheist. Lover of memes and quality lewds. Not a girl, and neither are MtF trannies. Not American. Blocked on Gab by failed beekeeper Andrew Torba. Fuck your pronouns, and fuck China.
ArdainianRight Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
Not only potentially a troll but potentially a harmful person altogether.
wrongthink Wrongthink
Depraved spreader of disinformation. Contact your local field office if you see anything offensive.🧠 🈲止
PhenomX6 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
do the paw shakerblocked by 6 million bad mastodon instances that won't tell you who they're blockingjoin the freezone (tm) and leave your prison, and run your own pleroma instance today