my family used to have this sort of abstract watercolour painting up in our dining foom, it was there as early as i can remember, and i always hated it one day when i was like ten my mom came up to me, and i guess handed me something but i dont remember what, and she was like “can you put ths on the shef, by the bird painting?” and i was like * the what?” and she was like “the painting of the bird on the branch. can you put t there’ and she pointed to the abstract painting and i was like “now is that a birc” and she said ‘well what do you think it is?” and was like it beached whale with a giant eye, blowing blood out of its biow hole onto the legs of a guy who's running away” and i guess my mom thought that was like funny or weird or something so she told my dad about f, and he immediately said ‘on, you mean the reindeer painting?