@Robert_Edwardly @H_A_Copington @turncoattradition @Granwalder @Royper @RealRaul @Twoinchdestroya It bugs me seeing guys even here act like they’re truthful. THey’ll tell boomers “oh yeah girls make 6 figures on onlyfans” because they see one of 650 daily mail articles about an obese 4/10 making £200,000 a year after quitting her job and becoming a sphincter model
It seems obvious that it’s advertising (notice how UK is home to onlyfans corp HQ, and they’re the ones usually doing those articles) but when you’re grumpy and surrounded by overpaid women in the roast-ocracy, it’s understandable
The few that see a measure of success like this only get it for a while. You’d be better off being jealous of some flavor of the month youtuber, at least he’ll get a core fanbase for a couple years while he dwindles