A week and 88 pages later, I am confident of the material and plan that will make up the middle portion of this tale.
However, looking at the current word and page count I am not sure this story can be contained in one book.
I have begun Part Six, but am tempted to work on cleaning up everything that I already written and starting a new volume.
Cleaning up spelling and grammar, which are my worst skills (and I thought it was a good idea to write a book). Cleaning up plot holes and stiff language. Redacting excessive bits of prose.
To the two people who might be sadistic enough to read my rough work, please be patient. I am trying to make my story as good as it can be. I might spend a few days fine tooth combing everything more than once.
Then again, it's all just for fun. Just a short little trip to a completely uninspired bit of escapist fantasy. Nothing original, nothing meaningful, just a goofy story to pass time. Just...
39,768 WORDS!
I'll be back after I get some more coffee.
(Parts 1-3 are already on my blog linked in my bio. Parts 4-5 are coming very soon.)