- pilots have skills for doing things outside the mech (triggers), and they also have skills for the mech (mech skills). So your pilot can get better at ranged/melee/drones;stealth regardless of the mech and gear you choose. - pilots also have 3 talents they pick. Talents are mech-centric, and can further change the specialty of a pilot in one kind of combat. Talents can be improved up to rank 3 as you level up. - last, but not least, the starter mech has a number of "mounting points", and the starting mech gear kit has many options for how you'll fill these slots. In the end, I guess it will just be different ways of dealing damage in different ranges, but still there are room for choices and for players being different from each other.
The only thing I didn't understand was the "core bonuses" of the starter kit. For the other manufacturers, you get one core bonus for each 3 license you have on that manufacturer, but for GMS it says "you have access to all of them all the time". I assume you are only allowed to use one core bonus at a time, regardless of how many you have access to, and I assume you can use GMS core bonuses with other manufacturer's mechs, I haven't seen much clarifications over how core bonuses work. But yeah, the core bonuses also allow for further customization, even for starting characters.