
An Implementation of the RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem Based upon a recent advance in cryptography, Crypt Master provides “unbreakable” security for your sensitive disk files. An adversary with access to your IBM PC and all of your diskettes (including Crypt Master) would need thousands of years of computer time to break one of your codes. Crypt Master may be used to securely protect electronic mail against eavesdropping and to generate digital signatures for use in such appli- cations as electronic funds transfer. Crypt Master may also be used to safely protect and transmit DES keys. *entirely menu driven « full documentation «automatic data compression «optional 8087 support «user definable passwords required for decryption, not encryption Introductory price: $545 Digital Signature 5453 S. Woodlawn Requires: IBM PC, 96K RAM, 1 disk drive Chicago, IL 60615 (other cryptographic products available) (312) 324-6533 CIRCLE 211 ON READER SERVICE CARD - 076萌SNS