@skylar@lanodan@ocean@coolboymew >the good memories folks have must come from back when they were owned by IBM. A lot of it feels like a cargo cult a few generations down the line when nobody has even seen first hand what a proper laptop is supposed to be.
It's easy to think the chiclet keyboard isn't a problem when you don't have a T60 sitting next to you. It's easy to think 16:9 with a 3cm bottom bezel and 2cm top bezel is an acceptable use of space if you don't have a laptop that was actually designed to fit the panel chosen. The TrackPoint is a rare feature and the best pointer on them... except other laptops have better touchpads, and the Tex Shinobi's TrackPoint blows the Lenovo ones out of the water.
But that's ok, because ThinkPads are built with serviceability in mind unlike consumer jun- wait what's that? One of the SODIMMs is soldered? Who cares, I can still get 40GB running at a lower frequency because of mismatched memory channels, nobody should want 64GB anyway, ThinkPad Master Race!