An snippet from an interaction between me and chatGPT. me: Rewrite that last response but in a gothic horror style chatGPT: R, the mysterious and powerful language of the statisticians, holds secrets beyond the realm of mortal understanding. As a data scientist, I delve into its dark depths, unearthing hidden truths buried deep within the data. But be warned, for R is not for the faint of heart. Its community is vast and ancient, with thousands of packages available for use, each holding its own eldritch power. These packages, written in a language known only to the initiated, can save one from certain doom by providing pre-written code for common tasks. But beware, for to gaze upon the ggplot2 package is to behold true terror, as it unveils the horrors of the data in a manner both beautiful and terrifying. In the end, R is a tool to be respected and feared, for it holds the power to unveil the hidden mysteries of the data, but at what cost? Only the bravest of souls should dare to tread its path.