
12 of the same light brown dog, each with a different visual effect applied representing a simple audio effect one might find in a sound processing chain. The humour is based on the juxtaposition of similar visual and audible elements. Bypass: the original dog, sitting upright, ears peeking out. The dog stares directly at us hauntingly. Delay: the dog shifted forward slightly, with soft pre-echos before it appears fully. Distortion: a grainy dog, with random-coloured pixels throughout, like noisy sand. Chorus: the dog, quickly followed by 4 post-echos, each with a unique different tone. Compression: the dog squished vertically to half-height. Saturation: all colours have been artificially increased, with the black and white points left alone. There are no subtle colours left. EQ: the edge of the dog has been cut down into a gentle curve, eliminating ears, cheeks, and furry fluff. Phaser: the dog has been squiggled horizontally, wobbling slowly, 5 times across its height. Limiter: the dog's head has been cropped down to 3/4 height, discarding all dog samples above the eyes. Reverb: the original dog is surrounded in all directions by a larger fuzzy-soft copy of the dog. Tremolo: the dog has been split into approx 35 diagonal slices, all moved slightly to form a rough jagged edge changing rapidly across the dog. Vocoder: the dog has been quantized into chunky blocks. Each block's tone is the average of samples from the original image. - 076萌SNS