Reply Guy #8: THE PRESTIGE But if we hold him accountable for his actions, his legacy of being given awards will be destroyed! He's essential to his field. He's a genius. I've never heard of YOU Any system that rewards me is by definition a meritocracy. If women want to get ahead they can buckle down and do way more work than me Great men can't be shackled by ethics Women love to rub their degrees in our faces-so tacky. A well-tailoree suit tells you all you need to know about my qualifications Dealing with sexism would distract from my important work. It doesn't affect me, and working on it won't impress other men Who's complaining? Oh, HER 🙄 AKA: Great Man Syndrome; Look Here Miss; The D List Problem: Your colleagues want to impress him Warning: Your success won't change his mind What He Should Do: Stop replying, start listening Dismiss