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It's amusing seeing NIMBYism shatter the left/right dogshit political duopoly where pro-immigrant libshits are revolting against the even more pro-immigrant libshit elite, but what we're seeing here at its core is a disgusting hack journalist gleefully celebrating the breaking up of white ethnic enclaves because he's an an ideological goblin (edit: a jew).
NIMBYism itself is often irrational and detrimental to good decision making, and it's nice to see NIMBY retards get their comeuppance and reap the rewards of their own foolishness, but the interplay between NIMBYism and cultural and racial community building and gatekeeping is unavoidable.
Bad actors use the phrase to describe their opposition as snobs and "Karens" who are utterly selfish and despicable people because they themselves have an entirely different and deracinated view of what "community" is. Safe, known and familiar neighbourhoods free of incompatible social factors does not compute with the neoliberal ZOG regime. You MUST be denied uniformity. You MUST have zero commonality with your neighbours. You MUST accept proximity to society's have-nots.
(Edit: Lmao, I got ahead of myself and wrote this before i hit that early life check. EST. No exceptions.)