#Threema encrypted messenger got rekt:
In our work, we present seven attacks against the cryptographic protocols used by Threema, in three distinct threat models. All the attacks are accompanied by proof-of-concept implementations that demonstrate their feasibility in practice.
archived at: https://web.archive.org/web/20230111141555/https://breakingthe3ma.app/
In the event an ephemeral key is exposed even once, an attacker can permanently impersonate the client to the server and then obtain all metadata in all E2EE messages. This is a remarkable shortcoming because ephemeral keys should never be able to authenticate a user. With Threema, leaking of an ephemeral key has the same effect as leaking a long-term key.
reported by: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/01/messenger-billed-as-better-than-signal-is-riddled-with-vulnerabilities/