@Narbray I don't know who said something that dumb, but I don't see China as the same kind of threat. They're evil, and I don't like them any more than I like fag shit, but at the end of the day China hasn't called for my entire race to be extinguished for the crime of not being brown enough. :shrug:
Ideally both groups fall apart and die, but if you force me to pick one or the other, I'd side with the Chinks. Same with Russia, Putin is a Soviet-era cocksucker but he's not nearly as actively evil and hateful as the US government. :zt_shrug:
If nothing else, China's on the other side of the world, the fag shit is in my backyard, so even if they were both equally bad I'd have to focus on what's right in front of me rather than what's a thousand miles away.