A view of his UI with most of the screen a portion of the map uncovered (the undiscovered portion remains hidden), with settlers, Indians, a mostly wooded terrain, a small town called "New Amsterdam" (future "New York") and a ship off shore. At the top of the UI the menu (Game, View, Orders, Report, Colopedia) and general info (Score, Gold, Tax, Year), at the bottom a reduction of the discovered map, command buttons and an info area where you can see info about the selected settler. FreeCol is a libre, multi-platform, and improved (including 2.5D) clone (gameplay & rules) of Colonization (by Sid Meier & Brian Reynolds for MicroProse), a SP (AI) / MP turn-based strategy game derived from Civilization. The player starts with a vessel and 2 settlers (French, English, Dutch or Spanish) in America between 1492 and 1850, with the aim of extending and growing his colony until it becomes self-sufficient, declares independence and emancipated from Royalty.