
Elstob A variable font for medievalists (and others) BASED ON TYPES USED BY THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS IN THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES. Honoring Elizabeth Elstob (1683-1756), pioneering scholar of early English literature Licensed under the SIL OpenFont License Free for all to use Image of the title page of an old book, reading (with “long s” glyphs which read as lowercase “f” to the modern eye): AN Englifh-Saxon Homily ON THE BIRTH-DAY OF St. GREGORY: Anciently ufed in the Englih-Saxon Church. Giving an Account of the Converfion of the ENGLISH FROM PAGANISM TO CHRISTIANITY. Translared into Nodern Finglish, with Notes, &c. By ELIZ. ELsTOB. LONDON: Printed by W. Bowyer. MDCCIX. - 076萌SNS