I've started archiving as best I can, but it's way too late for some of this stuff, some of it disappeared 6, 7 years ago, or even longer. I should probably delete them, but I can't bring myself to give up on maybe one day finding it all again somewhere. :gura_pain:
I know I shouldn't be giving in to the :blackpill: but it's really hard to stay positive when you have hard proof of everything getting worse staring you in the face. And that doesn't even cover all the shit that I didn't bookmark way back when that I only partially remember, and now have to look for whilst not knowing one bit whether or not they even still exist. Times like this I wish archive.org had a more general-purpose search system, cause it really fucking sucks having to know the exact URL to find a page again. :akko_weary:
Posting some fox with this so it's not just pure ranting and whining on the TL, can't be too negative or it'll just get worse all on its own. :turbo_sigh: