
# bytes, not bits ## you might have heard that a computer's memory is a series of bits... (image: 010101011) ... but that's not really true ## your computer's memory is a series of bytes (little image of a bunch of numbers in boxes: 23, 0, 0, 97) a byte is a number between 0 and 255 (it's 8 bits) ## every byte in memory has an address (little image of a bunch of numbers in boxes: 23, 0, 0, 97) arrow pointing at one of the numbers: for example, this byte's address might be 0x3929332 ## some things that are 1 byte * the 'red' part of an RGB colour * an ASCII character like F * a boolean like true or false (in theory you only need 1 bit, but it uses a whole byte) ## most things are more than one byte * integers and floats are usually 4 bytes or 8 bytes * strings are LOTS of bytes ## 5 ways to represent bytes * decimal: 35 * binary: 0b100011 * octal: 0o43 * hexadecimal: 0x23 * ASCII: # (hexdecimal is probably the most common) - 076萌SNS