Notices where this attachment appears
Year is 2035
>be ukrainian veteran
>blinded in one eye
>nerve damage precludes dexterous work
>gov only willng to pay 435 euros a month
>Aid secretary says that blackrock loans are all earmarked for "reconstruction", simply "not enough funding" for you to be able to survive
Looking outside, you see a cluster of pakistanis hauling in their backpacks to the commieblock you live in
> You say hello while checking your mailbox and discover they have 18 people living in one room
> They each get 1500 euros a month for "resettlement assistance" and an additional 350 euros for each kid under 16
> Unlike you, they don't have to pay for gas/electric/water/waste, it's all paid for under some immigration program
When you complain about the injustice online, you get a swell of support from your crippled brothers, only to get auto-generated letter in the mail warning you that "further hate speech could result in a reduction in your benefits" because "Ukraine has always stood vehemently against racial, religious, and ethnic hatred".
Your tweet gains you the attention of the (coincidentally also jewish) prime minister who says "brave, wonderful people like your neighbors fought, bled, and DIED for YOU. The only reason you can sit there at home, unemployed, festering in your childish racism is because HEROIC, DIVERSE people like those pakistanis saved Ukraine in its most desperate hour!"