
Screenshot of code with the following lines highlighted: ${details.files?.map(file => html` <img src=${file.path} alt=${details.altText ? details.altText : file.name}> `)} Full visible portion of code listing from start: import Site from './Site.layout.js' const Post = ({details}) => html` <li class='Post'> <time datetime=${details.date.toISOString()}>${details.date.toLocaleString()}</time> <p>${safelyAddHtml(details.content)}</p> <div id='images'> ${details.files?.map(file => html` <img src=${file.path} alt=${details.altText ? details.altText : file.name}> `)} </div> </li> <style> .Post { list-style-type: none; } .Post time { display: block; width: 100%; } </style> ` export default function (request, _response) { const postPublished = request.session.postPublished === true request.session.postPublished = false const posts = db.posts ? [...db.posts].reverse() : [] const hasPosts = posts.length > 0 return html` <${Site} page='home' title='Public Posts'> <if ${postPublished}> <p class='ok'>Post published!</p> </if> <if ${hasPosts}> <ul id='posts'> <!-- <li> <time datetime='2023-05-91T10:25'>Friday, May 19, 2023</time> <p>Setting up my Small Web site.</p> </li> --> ${posts.map(post => html` <${Post} details=${post} /> `)} </ul> <else> <markdown> - 076萌SNS